Yesterday I took the kids in small groups to make cards for Rosemanite, and today we presented them to her, and sang Happy Birthday. At first, she showed little emotion, but as time went on, it was clear she was having a good time. As we taped the cards and pictures on the wall by her bed, I asked if she was happy. Her eyes opened wide and she gave me a big, "Oui!" I felt bad that I had no gifts for her, so I rummaged around my room for something for her. Every time a kid is in my room, they are constantly asking for things of mine, so I gathered a couple things, miraculously found some tissue paper to wrap them in, and she opened gifts that were for her. I feel immense pride in presenting things to the children that they can call their own. Perhaps it is an American mindset, but I can't fathom not having a single thing to call my own. These kids share everything, so as I see it, they are finally given something to call their own. Although, what is humble to watch is that though they love acquiring things, they are often quick to share whatever they have with others. I really hope that today, Rosemanite felt special and loved.
I think I shouted it out every ten minutes that it was her birthday, and busted out singing to her several times (which, if you know me, is a big deal. I don't sing in public). Of course the other kids were going to ask me when their birthday is. It was disheartening to me when Robert and Belo asked me. Not only did I not know off the top of my head when their birthday is, but I have no way of knowing at all when they were born. From what I've been told, Robert was found on the street and brought to us by a security guard.
Recently, I sat down with Robert and learned some of his story. His father and mother had both died. He has a younger brother, but has no idea where he is (Robert is 7 or 8 I believe). He had been living on the streets. He can be a bit rougher than some of the other kids, though by that, I am simply saying he is a young boy. He needs to learn to knock when he comes in my room. Today he walked in at the most inopportune moment. He didn't care, but I did :-) But he has a heart of gold. He is a good boy who really has a desire to learn in school and make a better life for himself. Personally, I love him so much because he reminds me of my brother, the way he's always running around making funny noises, doing cartwheels and crazy jumps wanting people to watch him. I'm in the process of teaching him how to walk on his hands. If all else fails, he could become a great circus performer :-)
Great post Jamie! I say let little Robert pick his own birthday ;-)
Thanks Terese! Definitely. I forgot to write that part...we'll definitely give them birthdays, but I want them to be involved and make picking their birthdays some fun game.
aww precious! Thanks for sharing :)
Hi Jamie-love what you did for the birthday celebration and agree....celebrate a date with that little guy....he deserves a day for him. : ) God Bless
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