...because tracking me by blog seems much more sensible than getting a gps inserted under the skin.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Why the liminal life?

I suppose my first post should be an answer to your presumed question, "What the hell is the liminal life?"

Liminality is a word I learned during my graduate school classes, thus one I most associate with theory snobs. Though I resist anything theory these days, there really isn't a better word that describes my life. Coming from the latin word for "a threshold," liminality signifies an in-between place, a passage of time. It is also often associated with rites of passage and identity: a place in which former aspects of identity are dissolved and one moves toward new perspectives. It is a border place, where things are unclear, confusing, and in transition. Liminal space...my life...I don't really think there is a difference between the two.

Thus, the liminal life.

Please come again, when I will begin to share to the best of my ability my experience on the migrant trail, a 75-mile trek through the desert by foot. No joke.

1 comment:

Gloria said...

I love the name. Beautiful